
WELCOME...So glad you stopped by, my name is Jenessa, born and raised in the foothills of the Beartooth Mountains and  now a dweller of the Nebraska Sandhills.  My life was turned upside down when I fell head over heals for a passionate, hard-working, witty, Angus cattle loving Sandhills boy. 

Before the Sandhills some of you might remember me from “And that’s Beautiful To Me”. Lots of living went on in those days; college, best friends found and then lost, a first love, a first job and a steady amount of all things black cows, family and Montana! As it seems change is inevitable and so Savoring the Sandhills was born. 

The Sandhills are a place like none other, the people are genuine, the towns are quaint, the land is diverse, beef production is the heart and soul, and the work of the good Lord above is evident in every facet. I am not saying it was love at first sight, but what I am saying is life in the Sandhills is something to be SAVORED. Over the past few years I have learn to embrace my 3 hour commute to the closest Starbucks, date night at the same place we ate lunch the day before, a solid 5 days wait for mail, and the closest Costco being 4 hours away.

Here at Savoring the Sandhills you will find me blogging about my life in the beautiful Sandhills of Nebraska, cooking, reading, preserving memories, marriage, faith, heath, time spent with family and friends,  and of coarse my love for Angus cattle. I hope you find something to be savored as you join me on this journey called life.


  1. Oh Jenessa! I am so very excited about this! I have slowly been observing the changes to your Facebook changes and thought to myself... "hmmm... what is Jenessa up to now?" I was being very patient and just watch it bloom! I couldn't wait to see it all take place! And I cannot wait to see what Savoring the Sandhills has to offer on the World-Wide-Web. Congrats to the new new changes, both in the Blog world and Life! Wishing you the best of luck!

  2. I am so glad you signed up for the beauty swap, and I know your husband! Excited to check out your blog.


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